My Blog?

My Name is Susie, I'm 17 years of age and live in the lively city of Portland, hence the name. I'm brand new to the world of blogging so let's give it a go. I'll try to write about what I know which is dance, style, music, being young, and the terrible world which is high school. Stay tuned and maybe I'll catch your fancy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The cool kids in town.

I always wished I was best friends with Ferris...

Songs on repeat: Rain On and Night Creature- Woods. Service Bell- Fiest & Grizzly Bear. To be alone with you- Sufjan Stevens. Mad World- Michael Andrews.
We all have them, those gorgeous people that you can't help but rave about. It's different for everyone, whether it's a group of people you would kill to belong to, or that one girl you wish you could be, there is always somebody to envy. Eventually, we learn that these people aren't quite as fabulous as they seem, but in high school there seems to be that feeling that there is always someone better than you. One day, while pondering this phenomenon I asked my friends, "Do you have that group of people you wish you could be friends with? Or that one person that is so cool you just feel totally fucked in comparison to?" It seemed like everyone knew what I was talking about. It was different for each person I talked to but it came down to this: There is always someone you wish you could be somewhat like, or at least hope to be friends with. They usually consist of something we all hope to see in ourselves, we think that possibly if we could be friends with them, the "coolness" will rub off. The truth of this matter is, no matter how beautiful these people may seem, there is always someone better, someone who they wish they could be like too. As much as we hate to admit it, the cool kids really aren't as cool as we hope, and we truly are all in the same boat. To soak up the glamour of the classic cool kids, I have some images of the most fabulous people from the movies.

In honor of Sophmore English, The 1974 version of The Great Gatsby. I adore the 1920's fashion.
From a personal favorite, Dazed and Confused. Which reminds me, I have yet to find the perfect pair of high waisted shorts...

The Breakfast Club has some of the coolest kids of all time, and I am not talking about Molly Ringwald, Brian is probably the greatest nerd you'll ever see.

...Do you even have to ask?

Wishing you love, sunshine and all that's good.

The Petite Portlandian


  1. YES! Great Gatsby... <3

    I GOT HIGH WAISTED FLORAL SHORTS TODAY. Except they're a little grande, but its alright, I can just gain a bunch of weight or something. They are so beautiful~

  2. I am so fucking jealous...
    I am pretty much broke at this moment so, I will have to wait a few months :/ Maybe I could whip up a DIY cutoff pair if I'm lucky?
    And I really think we should watch the '74 version of The GG it looks fabulous

  3. I totally agree. You are sooo right!

    Btw. You are officially my favorite person ever because of The Breakfast Club and Grease pictures. Omg. Words can't even describe.
