My Blog?

My Name is Susie, I'm 17 years of age and live in the lively city of Portland, hence the name. I'm brand new to the world of blogging so let's give it a go. I'll try to write about what I know which is dance, style, music, being young, and the terrible world which is high school. Stay tuned and maybe I'll catch your fancy.

Friday, June 11, 2010

We're almost there...

Marrekesh- Northwest Portland

Vendu Crab Shack- Hollywood boardwalk, Florida

The Jams of June: Lazy Eye- Silversun Pickups, Map of the World- Monsters of Folk, The Ruminant Band- Fruit Bats

We're almost done. Two more days of finals, and I am free as a bird. A bird that must return to their nest for two more years in order to graduate and get into NYU...that is. I have been cheating you, blog, for I promised to write at least two posts after my trip and did apologies. But the way I see it, for the rest of the month I will have more then enough time on my hands to write posts. And won't we all be thrilled to see "Petite Portlandian" links filling up our newsfeeds. A lot has gone on since my last post and many ideas have filled my head of great things to blog about however, by the time I sit at my's gone. So, following my single tracked mind I will write about what is on the tip of my tongue, as of right now. So. New York is quickly approaching (!!!) I've decided to step it up a notch on my day to day clothing choices. While I'm rarely happy with an outfit, recently I've been shaping things up, lets just say it's my final for school year fashion. But to be honest people at school could care less about what I wear, after all I'm the girl who always seems "too dressed up" for school and looks like a moron...oh well. It will be my dying day before I wear Lincoln Cardinal Sweats to school ladies. So I do have some photos below of my pitiful attempt to look somewhat individual. Also...I have attached pictures of what I've been up to in the month of June, thus far. That includes, Florida, and exotic Moroccan restaurants in our in little city. Due to my overwhelming sleepiness I think I'll make this post a two-parter. That is, if my eyelids resist the urge to shut..

Shirt: Bought in a childrens shop in Ashland, OR

Skirt: Little Marc Jacobs (Yes, I still manage to fit into children's sizes, and if it means $100 off a Marc by Marc Jacobs's a blessing)

Belt: Father's closet

Bag: Longchamp (not too orignal, I know.)

Shoes: Target (I love deals...)

Pull over: TNA, Dress: Forever 21, Tights: Betsey Johnson, Boots: Ferragamo, Bag: Local store on Hawthorne

Sleep Tight,

The Petite Portlandian


  1. This restaurant looks nice and I kind of want to go now.. Oh, the internet-Always turning me on to new thangss. Ooo and I like your outfits in this post buttt I always like your outfits soooo.... BTW how do we become noticed on blogs, bro? How?

  2. Why thank yah marlee! Ermm well I just found your blog from creeping on on your flickr page and such..I love your photos btw, but I'm just hella annoying on facebook and post a link to my blog in the newsfeeds every time I have a new post. Other then that I don't know how else to spread the word, I hate advertising myself but I do a lot anyways haha
