My Blog?

My Name is Susie, I'm 17 years of age and live in the lively city of Portland, hence the name. I'm brand new to the world of blogging so let's give it a go. I'll try to write about what I know which is dance, style, music, being young, and the terrible world which is high school. Stay tuned and maybe I'll catch your fancy.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I suppose an introduction is in order?

Hello there!

As you read above I am The Petite Portlandian, more commonly known as Susie. I am in fact, a native to Portland, Oregon (the better Portland) and I am rather tiny. Though, people doubt my dainty frame due to my love for food, for really, really good food, which Portland has quite a lot of. I never really thought I'd be the blog type but I do love to write...or talk, and after some wonderful convincing by a friend I thought I'd dip my feet in the water. I think I'll experiment with my blog and see what is most interesting for me to blog about. Hopefully this blog won't be too self-centered, I hope to write about what I know...and I while I know myself well, I am still on that awful teenage path to self discovery, so I don't know myself that well, yet. Mainly this blog will be about my taste in style and music also I'm expecting quite a few posts on those terrible high school moments and the great people we meet along the way. Another request was that I blog about my experience in New York this summer, and that I share my stories of living and dancing for 5 and a half weeks in the big city. I hope this blog won't be too narcissistic and that I won't bore you. Please, Please, Please, If you have any suggestions of what you want to hear let me know! I'm all ears...oh that would be quite gross if you think about it.

Je t'aime

The Petite Portlandian


  1. Susie, i must say these sentences through out your lovely posts are beautifully written. Also, i love the pictures very inspirational! Furthermore, i do have to add that i as well did wear that vest in the past. Although, i wasn't complimented on how i looked like a movie star, but rather how much i looked like a very "exotic" cat.
    Sending love and happiness your way

  2. best comment so far...
    my exotic purple cat who dresses in shag vests.
